Just thinking about it make me really sad because I am so used to making her presents and jumping in her bed on the morning of her birthday, and for the 2nd year in my whole life I wasn't able to do that. I feel even more worse because my dad is in jail and I know he feels really sad as well because he loved grandma so much, he's one of the hardest men I know, but when it comes to his mom he's such a softy. I feel like now that my grandma has passed I have to look out for him. She always told me to look after him. It's funny because even though I am such a goof, in some aspects I'm more mature then my daddy. I feel like I haven't been there for him like I know my grandma would have wanted me to. I mean I live all the way in the valley, and I have been living here for 7 months now and I have spoken to him about 7 times. Wtf? I've got some shit to work out. Anyways, I just wanted take some time out for the only person that I know I will love in my heart forever. To the only person that has never hurt me, or done anything wrong. The woman that wanted me and loved me when no one else did, and never gave upon me. I love you with my whole heart. Forever and Always. I'll make you proud ShanyShaneShane<3 Teheh.
Rhonda Elisa Howard-Evans
9.7.55- 1.26.08
9.7.55- 1.26.08

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