I can't wait for this moment!
Monday, September 28, 2009
is pretty much the most amazing person i have ever gotten to know.
you don't even understand how hard i am trippin off how amazingly perfect this nigga is. WORD UP. We can talk for hours and hours and hours and have the most stoopidest conversations about tacos and what not and i'll still have an amazing time. i don't know i trip out sometimes. i don't usually get like this all extra 'jhfghsdugygf' and what not. He knows wassup. My papi Tunchi, LOL.
you don't even understand how hard i am trippin off how amazingly perfect this nigga is. WORD UP. We can talk for hours and hours and hours and have the most stoopidest conversations about tacos and what not and i'll still have an amazing time. i don't know i trip out sometimes. i don't usually get like this all extra 'jhfghsdugygf' and what not. He knows wassup. My papi Tunchi, LOL.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
9. 25. o9 Fashion Show.
Well, for starters this was really fun. Fucking the people there wern't even on the level on some real shit haha. But the party they had was UNBELIEVIBLY WACK! But the show was very good. The performers they had were really good. Great dancers omg, fucking AMAZING. Tell me why I saw ZION I, god he's too damn dope, like wtf. After me, tiahna, kyle and ian went to chipotle.. kyle convinced me not to eat cows anymore, Lol. Taught Kyle and Ian how to shuffle and do the mash potato haha. then went to the top of topanga canyon :P and just posted. overall a good night.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Munchies much?
I came up with the most amazing muchie food ever!
Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip Cookie and Vanilla Ice Cream sandwiches with Chocolate Nutella Shit.
Uhm, Honestly I haven't had something that good in a cool ass minute. Idk if it was because i was high or that shit really did make my taste buds rage, but that shit was toooo bomb :P

Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip Cookie and Vanilla Ice Cream sandwiches with Chocolate Nutella Shit.
Uhm, Honestly I haven't had something that good in a cool ass minute. Idk if it was because i was high or that shit really did make my taste buds rage, but that shit was toooo bomb :P

I don't know, I feel like something is missing in my life right now. Or like I need to fufill a duty. Something is off. I've been feeling it for some time now. But it never really completely dawned on me until today when I was on my way home from school. I need something, Or i'm missing something. Humm, I need to figure this out.
Kinda bad right now. I hate it when I hurt people feeling and what not :(
Just know that you really do mean alot to me. its just thats not what i want. i tried to tell you time and time again, but i guess you didn't want to listen. I take alot of the blame for not making things more clear. I love and care about you oodles. you know that. it's just.. i don't even know what it is. one day you'll understand. and hopefully you won't hate me.
Just know that you really do mean alot to me. its just thats not what i want. i tried to tell you time and time again, but i guess you didn't want to listen. I take alot of the blame for not making things more clear. I love and care about you oodles. you know that. it's just.. i don't even know what it is. one day you'll understand. and hopefully you won't hate me.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Herbal Blessinggg
Just woke up and wondered why my room STILL sells like weed from last night. As I get ready to walk out the door I put on my leather jacket and put my hand in my pocket, there's a lil sac :D Now I wonder how that got there... <3love you Momo.
Haha, TOday was too damn funny. Or tonight I should say.
This nigga kYLE is a damn foool, I sware.
Hahah. Fucking Tiahna and I get to Sebs and fcuking leina is passed out on the kitchen floor brianna is passed out on the bathroom floor. Haha, Kyle is running around rapping shit. Cory is drunk out side saying he wants to o home, derek is fucked up haha, dano is fucking talking up a storm and shamomo is leaning to the side all cross fayded. HAhaha, I love it! Damn beer and E&j and some weed, Just what i needed this weekend. I had a lotta fun like honeslty shit os too damn funny @ sebs. I'm still on the level.
fresh faces:
sounds like a good idea, right?
well, tiahna and i went to the chipotle and the topanga mall with etai and brandon.
that was really fun we clowned on them for matching and went in the halloween store and h & m. mucho fun. then we went to alfred house and he bothered us, and his friend cristina came over. *yak. then picked up lennon, malina, jess and blake and went to the caves and blazed super sketch. malina and i were scared as shit, jess too. but it was fun. we droppped them all off and ended up heading back to where lennon was and hung with his older homies, good shit. lol
over all a good night. got a slurpee and high :D
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Creative! Super Stoked for the 2010 Fashion show!
Tiahna and I were planning on doing Germany together... but we had different ideas for what we wanted to do so... things didn't work out.
But I have such AMAZING ideas for my line, Whew! I'm excited!
Fresh Days!

Everyone was all happy, and were dancing and feeling the love.
As soon as I got to the pa
rk all I could do was smile because ther
e were such amazing vibes and bubbles everywhere. LOL. The Dj's were pretty good especially D:FUSE last set, whoa. Nigga was peaking lol. Anyways Tiahna and I had a phatyy Shuffle session and when we were finished we tripped out line none other.. it was way too intense for us to handle. There should be more Rave
s like this. Only they should last into the nighttime. Fun Fun FUN!

Friday, September 11, 2009
sen'10r year.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh :D
This year is going to be so good. I can already tell !
I have such bomb classes and my teachers are chill. I didn't have to go through the hassle of changing my schedule or any of that. I just know that this is going to be my turn around year. I should be getting a job soon, and I'll be doing even better after that. God I am just so stoked to have a good time this year. Woohoo, Straight up RUN shit :D
This year is going to be so good. I can already tell !
I have such bomb classes and my teachers are chill. I didn't have to go through the hassle of changing my schedule or any of that. I just know that this is going to be my turn around year. I should be getting a job soon, and I'll be doing even better after that. God I am just so stoked to have a good time this year. Woohoo, Straight up RUN shit :D
September 7th, 2009
Ok so I'm ready to talk about this. Three days ago was my grandmas' [rip] 58th birthday.
Just thinking about it make me really sad because I am so used to making her presents and jumping in her bed on the morning of her birthday, and for the 2nd year in my whole life I wasn't able to do that. I feel even more worse because my dad is in jail and I know he feels really sad as well because he loved grandma so much, he's one of the hardest men I know, but when it comes to his mom he's such a softy. I feel like now that my grandma has passed I have to look out for him. She always told me to look after him. It's funny because even though I am such a goof, in some aspects I'm more mature then my daddy. I feel like I haven't been there for him like I know my grandma would have wanted me to. I mean I live all the way in the valley, and I have been living here for 7 months now and I have spoken to him about 7 times. Wtf? I've got some shit to work out. Anyways, I just wanted take some time out for the only person that I know I will love in my heart forever. To the only person that has never hurt me, or done anything wrong. The woman that wanted me and loved me when no one else did, and never gave upon me. I love you with my whole heart. Forever and Always. I'll make you proud ShanyShaneShane<3 Teheh.
Just thinking about it make me really sad because I am so used to making her presents and jumping in her bed on the morning of her birthday, and for the 2nd year in my whole life I wasn't able to do that. I feel even more worse because my dad is in jail and I know he feels really sad as well because he loved grandma so much, he's one of the hardest men I know, but when it comes to his mom he's such a softy. I feel like now that my grandma has passed I have to look out for him. She always told me to look after him. It's funny because even though I am such a goof, in some aspects I'm more mature then my daddy. I feel like I haven't been there for him like I know my grandma would have wanted me to. I mean I live all the way in the valley, and I have been living here for 7 months now and I have spoken to him about 7 times. Wtf? I've got some shit to work out. Anyways, I just wanted take some time out for the only person that I know I will love in my heart forever. To the only person that has never hurt me, or done anything wrong. The woman that wanted me and loved me when no one else did, and never gave upon me. I love you with my whole heart. Forever and Always. I'll make you proud ShanyShaneShane<3 Teheh.
Rhonda Elisa Howard-Evans
9.7.55- 1.26.08
9.7.55- 1.26.08

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Summer 2009
I must say that these have been 2 of the most exciting months I have had in a long time. Honestly me moving to the Valley turned out to work for the better. I ended up with 2 amazing friends that I know will be in my life for a long time Tiahna and Alfred, and plenty more that I know are true friends. I don't even know where to start. Well Summer started off with a BANG! E.D.C day 2 was amazing! Had so much fun, so many of Me and Tiahnas' inside jokes are from that night. From Summer flings, they may have not lasted but they were fun. 4th of July at 2nd street brought back so many memories. I had a blast with all my friends. Sleepovers a Nicks house with Neko and Tiahna and Alfred and whoever else was there. Being Drunk for no reason. Crying over boys and trying to jump off cliffs. Trips to Stoney point, and over the Train Tunnel. Nights in Westlake with Tiahna and her chill ass homies. Random nights at Dimas with Dom. Oh my those are the funniest, soo many inside jokes from Dom man I sware. ''Ayyy waddup tho'' ''Nigga you cuT'' ''Awwe nigga yu shOwt'' Haha. But some of my favorites are with my brother Jeremy and Jerry and Tiahna. My most favorite people together blowed and laughing at everything, Thizz sessions. The best :) I got close to a lot of sweet people. Made friends with a lot of new people that I plan to keep in my life. I lived at Tiahnas house more than I lived at mine. Her house after raves, are always the most hilarious days of them all. Cracked out and shit. Days/nights with Alfred and Cliff. Missions to random places. Tiahna and Alfred fighting haha. Tiahna fucking with me when I'm fucked up. Kicking it with the homeboys, not given a fuck. Missing Curfew, Sneaking in, and No getting caught. Hanging out with Shamomo, God I love that kid, toooo funny<3 So many things I wish I could say, but I know i forgot due to circumstance ;) Overall I think I did a good job of making my last summer as a high school student a good and memorable one. I've learned plenty of life lessons and had a good time while learning them. Even though I had alot of bullshit to happen to me this summer, it only made me stronger and more aware of what goes around around me, so it all worked out. I know who I can trust, and what friends will be there for me. I'm just glad that I got a chance to have fun with all of my friends. It was a great summer, and a wonderful way to start Senior year :D
I was supposed to be at The Lost City Of Atlantis.
But to make up for it Tiahna and I ended up chillin' in the neck of my woods aka Redondo.
Went to Jeremys pad, where he and Jerry were already fucked up off like 10 bars, lil niggas. Freaking Me, T, Jerem, Jerry, Jesus, Joey, and Bay Rey were all just kicking it at his pad for an hour or so.
Then Tiahna and I shot over to dimas to hang out with nigga Dom and Dmirty.
Smoked some blunts, got some brew. The Tiahna and Dima picked up Jon. We were all kickin it.
Then We all dipped and T and I picked up Jerry, Jesus, Joey, and Bay Rey. We were all so drunk and They were all bar'd out, and I was thizzin. All I know was that night was funny as fuckkkkkk.
Jerry and I were actin' a foo. This nigga tried to hustle this one bitch at the party to let 7 heads in for 4 dollars lmfao. Fucking I was walking around with 3 forty's and a bottle of Smirnoff like a was the fucking liquor store and shit. Then the Po's came and we had to dip. We all walked to the car and fucking everyone kept telling Jerry and I to stfu cause they thought we were arguing all night, but I had to explain to them that all it was, was '' A loud confersation ''. Jerry kept blacking out and shit. Then we dropped the boys off at a Wienershnitzel on Torrance and Anza.
Overall a Goodnight.
Had fun, my step dad Vel shot me a couple of bills and he took me shopping.
Got some cute stuff :)
Then Later on that night, Tiahna packed me up and we headed over to Sebs'.
Played Beerpong, (which I SUCK HARD at) with Shamomo, Derek, Kyle, Seb, Wesley, Robbie, and Cory. Haha, overall a good night. Even though I was supposed to be home at 12, which was later extended to 1, which I somehow ended up home at 3:20a.m. Good thing my mom was dead alseep :)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Super stoked
Can't get it out my head that i'ma be starting my life with the 2 people I love the most :)
All I need is a J O B, I already know I can get that though.. So i'm not trippin.
All I need is a J O B, I already know I can get that though.. So i'm not trippin.
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