Wednesday, March 31, 2010
South Bay Living
Ok so, Last night when I was walking home from heathers house I was just thinking about how much I love the South bay. Like when I left here and moved to the Valley my whole vibe was off. Like I didn't feel comfortable in that city nor did i feel a sense of trust. But out here it's completely different. I can't really explain it. It's just I guess the overall vibes from everyone in the south bay is just chilling. I mean there's alot of fucked up people out here, but when the vibes balance out you just get so happy when your out here, or at least i do. I couldn't think of any other place i'd rather have spent my child hood. I can't imagine my life without the growings and teachings that the South bay had to offer. I might do alot of crazy shit but for some reason i feel like that helps me to handle my shit in life. Even though I fuck up, I still handle my shit. I can't wait until i move back here. Whenever my night is over, and I'm walking home from where ever, or if i'm just mobbing it to a hoomies pad or to get food i get so happy when i walk these streets. I just feel at peace, like where i belong. I cant see how anyone could have Southbay, I fucking love the city i live in.
Day 4
Goodmorning. Meet up w/ baby in lawndale. Taco bell, meet up w/ conejo smoke a J. Mobbin it, meet up w/ Samantha n Brett. Mobbing it in Lawndale. Get some shit. Smoke some shit. mobb it to hawthorne post @ the manor. smoke some shit. chill. dip from hawthorne, mobbing it to Northside(: Hadda go pee, and lokey pee'd on myslef while tryna bust a squat right quick. Hadda mobb to my pad to change my pants. Mobbit to heathers, del paige, anderson, pick up a sac from momo. blazed it w/ heather N Kreps @ anderson, played on the jungle gym shits dope. Mobbs to the pad. Up all night :D
Monday, March 29, 2010
Day 3
Woke up. Subway, Mucho Mango Met up w/ Heather and Kreps and Aida. Got a pack of Tecate and some bud. Went to 8th street posted, rosted. Got blunted, busted a mish 2 2nd. Cross Fayded as fuck. went home. Subway, Mucho Mango too fucked up to be home so Shamomo, Derek, and uNCLE mATt come to scoop we. Corey's house. chillin got blunted. watched youtube videos, funny as fuck. Orbit lights. Came home, much Mango God i love being home
Day 2
napsNapsNAPS! Lagggggggggg! Food, sleep, comp. Phone calls, plans. Stoia scoops me. Shmoke. Club run. Shmoke. Talk and chill, fayded as fuck hhahahahaaa. Home/SLEEEEEEEEEEP. wake up, 1:30am... wtF? Sleep, Wakeup, 8:10am, wants another blunt :D
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Day 1
Came down with Jon and his friend Tyler. Dropped my shit off at my daddys. Met up with the Jeremy. Got some 40oz. Drank em. Went to a party, WEAK. Dipped out, then went to another partty. But it was more of a kickback. Got even more wasted smoked some weed. PrimeTIME AND CHAriZmaaaaa! YAK! Went to the Levas pad. Schwappy. Talked to the Android, kinda straightened shit out. Taco bell, no car, n0 food :( 711, we be steady mobbinnnnn YAK! mobbed home, knocked out. Woke up, bladder filled as fuck! And i feel like my liver is going to give up on me ahhaha! Currently, tryna smoke another blunt. LAAAATE
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Let the Games BEGIN!
It's thursday, this week has been going by so slow! I need a cigarette!
Just got off the phone with Jeremy, straight schemin' for this weekend!
I might not go to the Andre Concert because I can't find a ride :( But if not then I can just slime a ride from patrick to RB cause I gave him 20 dollars @ Love Groove for the express line and he owes me. I can't keep thinking about spring break, this shits going to be down as fuck!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
It's all gravy baby.

So I'm just sitting here listening to some music trying to do some Psych homework and I just though i'd set some time aside to blog! Lately things have been going pretty swift. I have a job! Yah, I work @ Hollister, things there are pretty chillin. Max and I are doing great, I can't wait to see him next week for Spring Break. School is going really good, I guess I do work better in a smaller less distractive enviornment.
For some reason I've been really happy. I'm glad because for a little bit I wasn't doing so hot. I've realized that I want to become a bartender. I mean I come up with some pretty dope alcoholic mixes that get people on the level, why don't I share the love and make dranks for people. It would be such a chill job. And I can save up and work on opening up a Smoke Shop or something. THAT IS MY DREAM. I'm going to do it, I know it.
This summer i'm going ot move back to South Bay, i'm super stoked for that and I can hardley wait. Everything seems to be going to smooth! Things are up opening up and coming my way. I feel like i'm in my prime or something.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Mr. EVANS... w0wstep, whuuuu?
I got you babe
Had a talk w/ the boy the other night and it really made me feel comfortable with our situation. With him I never know what really goes on in his head and we are usually on 2 completely different chapters. But now that we are both older and down to be more serious, we tend to be more on point. I'm not fucking this up again, lol, that's my baby. I'm really excited for the future, out future.
So I've decided that I want to be a bartender! Ha, yea honestly that's the perfect job for me. That or being a make-up artist. I'm really excited to just grow up and do things, get my place w/ Max, I just can't wait to be out of school and just chill.
Life is good.
So I've decided that I want to be a bartender! Ha, yea honestly that's the perfect job for me. That or being a make-up artist. I'm really excited to just grow up and do things, get my place w/ Max, I just can't wait to be out of school and just chill.
Life is good.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Salvia Stoner Weekend
Whoa, so I honestly don't even know where to start. I guess I could tell you about my amazing trip.
So, we were all at Sams house, Me, Tiahna, and Alfred that is. I packed the bowl w/ some Mendo, and 40x Salvia. Then I hit it, probably shouldn't have mixed the weed in the bowl like that but in the end it was all good. So right after I hit it, it wasn't even a wait to feel it, I felt my soul coming out of my body and it floated away somewhere. For however long my soul was out of my body, Idl how long that was I was lost in a field of white. White floor, no walls, nothing up nothing down, I was just walking through nothing, like the end of the universe or something. Then I could feel my body spinning up and down and I landed in a garden somewhere. By this time my soul was starting to come back into my body, through my ears, mouth, my eyes, it hurt a little, but I could handle it. I could then see tiahna and alfred and sam, but they looked distorted and far away. There was music playing in the background, a song by the GorillaZ. All of a sudden I became attached to this fence made of popsicle sticks and i looked at my hangs and I was too. As the song was playing, my body was moving with the fence and it wouldn't stop it my mind was tangled in the words I was becoming the song. My body was the lyrics and it freaked me out, I forgot I had hit salvia and i was confused on why everyone was staring at me. I started to feel inferior like a child but that only lasted for a minute until i heard Sam say, ''Either she's trippin' really hard right now or her brain is gone!'' and right when he said that i saw a giant triangle light in the air with lines coming down and it went into my head only it didn't hurt, then i looked down and my brain was on the floor, so I wasn't afraid, I was feeling weird because my brain was on the floor. I tried to pick it up but there was no use, I think that's why now I feel like i've finally hit my perma fry, I didn't think i'd hit that until I was @ least 20 -__-
Anywho, after that i was fine. I just sat for a while and didn't say much because I was still trying to process what had happened, I tripped harder than I ever had tripped before in my life and I was trying to figure out why it took so long for that to happen. After I did that as crazy as it sounds I feel like when my soul floated away god washed it and then gave it back. I feel so different, like I have lots of energy, I'm happy, I'm willing to help out with things and i don't feel ''Bratty''. Sad part is, all I want to do is get really fucked up all day, I fiend, and when I don't have anything I drink, but I can handle it. The drugs make me normal. I love salvia, it changed my life :D
So, we were all at Sams house, Me, Tiahna, and Alfred that is. I packed the bowl w/ some Mendo, and 40x Salvia. Then I hit it, probably shouldn't have mixed the weed in the bowl like that but in the end it was all good. So right after I hit it, it wasn't even a wait to feel it, I felt my soul coming out of my body and it floated away somewhere. For however long my soul was out of my body, Idl how long that was I was lost in a field of white. White floor, no walls, nothing up nothing down, I was just walking through nothing, like the end of the universe or something. Then I could feel my body spinning up and down and I landed in a garden somewhere. By this time my soul was starting to come back into my body, through my ears, mouth, my eyes, it hurt a little, but I could handle it. I could then see tiahna and alfred and sam, but they looked distorted and far away. There was music playing in the background, a song by the GorillaZ. All of a sudden I became attached to this fence made of popsicle sticks and i looked at my hangs and I was too. As the song was playing, my body was moving with the fence and it wouldn't stop it my mind was tangled in the words I was becoming the song. My body was the lyrics and it freaked me out, I forgot I had hit salvia and i was confused on why everyone was staring at me. I started to feel inferior like a child but that only lasted for a minute until i heard Sam say, ''Either she's trippin' really hard right now or her brain is gone!'' and right when he said that i saw a giant triangle light in the air with lines coming down and it went into my head only it didn't hurt, then i looked down and my brain was on the floor, so I wasn't afraid, I was feeling weird because my brain was on the floor. I tried to pick it up but there was no use, I think that's why now I feel like i've finally hit my perma fry, I didn't think i'd hit that until I was @ least 20 -__-
Anywho, after that i was fine. I just sat for a while and didn't say much because I was still trying to process what had happened, I tripped harder than I ever had tripped before in my life and I was trying to figure out why it took so long for that to happen. After I did that as crazy as it sounds I feel like when my soul floated away god washed it and then gave it back. I feel so different, like I have lots of energy, I'm happy, I'm willing to help out with things and i don't feel ''Bratty''. Sad part is, all I want to do is get really fucked up all day, I fiend, and when I don't have anything I drink, but I can handle it. The drugs make me normal. I love salvia, it changed my life :D
Thursday, March 11, 2010
All I care about it getting high.
What's wrong with that? NOTHING. I'm pretty sure you all secretly don't give a shit about anything but one thing that's special to you. I'm just more upfront about it. Just because it's getting ''a high'' doesn't mean it's bad, it's just different than what YOU care about is all. Well, there's one thing that I care about more than getting high, or should I say a person. But that's another story.
I've been going through them one by one lately, but in the end i know who i'll always be with.
I've been going through them one by one lately, but in the end i know who i'll always be with.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
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